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Copley & Boegli - Sound and Video Clips

Sound Clips (MP3 Files)

Following tunes are played by John Skelton on Copley & Boegli flutes and recorded by Wally Carroll (Sligo Road Productions).

Tea in the Morning (slip jig), played on Delrin C flute.

Ridee (Breton tune) on African blackwood keyless D flute.

Skelton's Fling Composed by John Skelton, played on Delrin D flute.

Shandon Bells (Jig), played on Osage Orange E natural flute.

These two tunes are performed by Tim Benson on Copley & Boegli African Blackwood keyless D flute. Accompanied by Steve Matyi on short scale bouzouki.

Lady Anne Montgomery (Reel)

Slow Air

Video Clips

Martin Wynne's (Reel) played by Zac Leger on 6-keyed D flute.

Craig's Pipes (Reel) played by Beau Davis on keyless C flute with Zac Leger on guitar.

More YouTube videos featuring Copley & Boegli Flutes.

email :copleyflutes@gmail.com